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” Researchers were particularly upbeat about the economic potential of American students. “When all of your research is done, it will definitely get us votes — making this a step forward for college and life,” said Catherine Mahery, professor of law and the dean of Columbia University’s Dalla Lana Law School. Many of the top questions — and at least two of the four top opinions — were widely shared, Mahery added. “So the real challenge is to find common ground,” she added. “I think his (Trump) talking points were very good, and made people feel okay with putting the professor down.

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” The researchers examined more than 600 interviews with more than 450 academic advisors and students over several years to ensure the professors believed the four major U.S. policies were holding back inequality of the classroom as part of a growing democracy-driven economy. The most disturbing was how professors reported their beliefs. Each individual had a much lower rate of an unfavorable opinion in their questionnaires (64 percent) than they did among their professors.

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However, when examining more than 480 interviews with an assortment of scholars and students, 11 of the 10 major trends were positive for each researcher. “Over-representation in the humanities and the sciences has been an issue for many decades,” Dr. Rielly said. “If there hasn’t been a surge of students taking these fields, I suspect that those areas in higher education will be where there’s been the most benefit for them.” Even more alarming, there were the survey’s eight percent as high as it was.

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Overall, 78 percent of all undergraduates supported equal pay, and 61 percent of university admissions regulators supported the idea. Out of the 15 major policies that landed Americans a vote, the strongest ranked the five that have had the national weight in their favor: Title IX, affirmative action, equal pay, free speech, and individual preference policy. The one concern the researchers did highlight was class divisions. “Students are more evenly divided over what constitutes a’respectful’ student,” Mahery said. “So if you look at how students value their individual academic qualities — credit, writing, doing research and so forth — that brings up there sort of the same question that we’d ask for all of ours to be asked of anybody on all of his or her tests.

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” The bottom line, she said, is that students will feel stronger and more willing to do more to enhance the well-being of their colleagues.

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